Who still buys Timeshare and Vacation Club Memberships?

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Though there is a common misconception that timeshares and vacation clubs are a dying trend, they are, in fact, doing as much business as ever. People do still invest in timeshares and join vacation clubs, and, what’s more, there’s no real one type of person who does so. Couples, young families, singletons, and retirees alike are all great candidates to invest in a home away from home in the form of a timeshare or vacation club membership.

Why are people still buying timeshares and joining vacation clubs?

One of the main reasons that people still buy timeshares and join vacation clubs is, of course, the money that can be saved in the long run. When you buy a timeshare you pay only one lump sum, and then after that there are only yearly maintenance fees to keep up with. The result is that you pay today’s market price so when the cost of accommodations and resorts go up, you save money. What’s more it is far more economically efficient. Though the lump sum may be expensive at the time, if you add up the cost of a yearly vacation over, say, ten or eleven years then it becomes quickly apparent that a timeshare is actually cheaper in the long run.

Convenience is definitely a big factor in why people still buy timeshares and join vacation clubs today. The quality of your rooms is assured, you’ll never have to go to another comparison website ever again (that’s a big bonus in itself), and many timeshare resorts will help you to arrange your transport to and from the airport. This means that, overall, your vacation is hassle free. Or as hassle free as it can be when you have kids and a grouchy spouse in tow! All you have to worry about are your plane tickets and your luggage.

Flexibility, too, is a big motivating factor; people were tired of the rigid system used in the past, and as such most providers have switched to a more dynamic points based system. This means that rather than buying set weeks in a specific unit you can change where you stay, and for how long you stay year to year if you wish.

A place where you belong
Finally the biggest benefit of owning a timeshare or vacation club membership is the sense of familiarity, belonging and trust that builds up over time. It’s like having a second home minus all the extra paperwork and financial strains that come with it.

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