Tips to Protect Yourself from Fraud

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You and many others individuals may not even know that they have been involved in a scam by giving money for a prize promotion, donating money to a fake charity drive, investing in a fraudulent business opportunity, along with other popular scams.

Anytime that you have gave money unknowingly to these types of scams, then the chances are high that your name is listed on a list that is shared by scammers. These lists will include important information about you such as your phone numbers, your address, and other information and the money that you have gave to these bogus offers. The dishonest fraudsters will sell and buy these lists, because the theory is if people have been scammed in the past, then they will more than likely be passed again in the future. You can protect yourself from fraud.


Here are tips to protect yourself from fraud:

  1. If someone claims they are representing a government agency, then asks for a fee for an investigation, then this is a scam, especially if they want you to do a wire transfer.
  2. It is generally always a scam if anyone contacts you and tells you that they can recover money, items, and prizes that you never received, but you have to pay upfront for the service. Anyone that claims that they are working with a United States government agency to recover lost money, items, and prizes should be reported immediately.
  3. If you are considering a recovery company to retrieve money or prizes you should ask the company first what the exact services that they provide along with the fee, then before you hire this company you should research them thoroughly with the local police department and consumer agencies such as the Better Business Bureau.
  4. No matter how convincing the company is you should never give our your credit card number or your checking account information to the company that claims they can recover prizes or money that you never got.


It is very important that you remember that these scammers are experts! They have been in the scamming business for a long time and they know exactly what to say and to do to get your money. What can you do to prevent being a scam victim?

  • The state attorney’s office should be contacted, so you can report your fraud, and Canadians can contact the RCMP or the Office of Consumer Affairs.
  • Always get in contact with your local police department. The police may not be able to recover anything for you, but they will be able to file a record.
  • All scams should be reported with the IC3, which the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center works together on scams and frauds.
  • The US Marshals should be contacted.
  • All international scams should be reported to the Interpol or the United States Central Bureau.
  • Start posting your fraudulent experiences on the numerous scam and fraud websites, so the news gets out about these companies.


Unfortunately, these authorities may not be able to recover your money, but with luck these culprits will be shut down and hopefully arrested. These are just a few of the authorities that should be contacted when you have been scammed. Everyone should use these tips to protect yourself from fraud.