Timeshare Scams, Refunds and Recovery

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Timeshare fraud and timeshare scams are becoming more and more creative; part of the pitfall is that they can become so convoluted and complex that it’s hard to believe that anyone would go to so much trouble in order to make a quick buck. Timeshare refund and recovery scams provide fertile ground for scammers. Here’s why…

Are you on the sucker Lists?

Believe it or not there are such things as “sucker lists” which contain the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of people who have been fooled by scammers in the past. If, for example, you’ve ever paid money to be included in a raffle to win a car or a million dollars you may well be on such a list. These lists are then sold to crooks who will target you for all kinds of scams (including refund and recovery timeshare scams).

How are you targeted for timeshare scams?

Many people do not even realize that they have been part of a scam; you might have entered a bogus competition, invested money in a business opportunity, or even given to a fake charity. What keeps many scams off the radar is that you’re likely to have given small amounts of money and not thought about it when you don’t hear from them ever again. When it comes to refund and recovery timeshare scams you may even be targeted by chance; your details may even have been taken from websites that you’ve been looking at while trying to find out how to get rid of your timeshare. With this information a scammer would know that you’re open to their bait; they just need to know how to pitch it to you.

Protect yourself from timeshare scams, refunds and recovery scams

When it comes to timeshare refunds and recovery scams the advice we have for you is simple; any company offering this service is not to be trusted. This is especially true if you have purchase your timeshare from a well-known, reputable brand. If you feel that you have grounds to reasonably cancel your timeshare and get a refund it is your provider (and perhaps a solicitor) that you should be talking to.